9/11/15 Veracruz clinic day one
The first day in clinic was clearly a reunion day. All 13 patients were being seen in preparation for their second side knee replacement. All had their first knee done on the WalkStrong surgical trip in October of 2013. They are doing remarkably well. All but one patient has more than 120 degrees of flexion and all had full extension. My hat is off to the WalkStrong volunteers and supporters that made this day possible. You have made a remarkable difference in the day to day lives of these people!
The first day in clinic was clearly a reunion day. All 13 patients were being seen in preparation for their second side knee replacement. All had their first knee done on the WalkStrong surgical trip in October of 2013. They are doing remarkably well. All but one patient has more than 120 degrees of flexion and all had full extension. My hat is off to the WalkStrong volunteers and supporters that made this day possible. You have made a remarkable difference in the day to day lives of these people!
The only complication was a quadriceps injury as a result of a fall. Dr Amador is scheduling her for surgical repair.
It was a great day, happy patients getting ready for their second surgery.
I can't wait until October!!!
We will see 12 more on Saturday.